
Thursday, December 9, 2021

art work book


fact: Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London and is usually extended to refer to both the clock and the clock tower

art work book



SpaceX Crew Dragon As It Approached the Space Station


Friday, December 3, 2021

buddy reading

 this is my buddy's writing hope you like it 

Dinosaur are the biggest they have Hess my dinosaur name is harry potter and she likes  eating meet and they live in a old forest there is 8 dinosaurs. they have big tails they have 4 legs they are magnetise teeth they have big feet and lots of spots it is flurry  and she is naughty because they like the old forest in there way the end.  

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

my grandparents

 hey guys 

i have been writing about my grandparents so hope you like it

Almost Retired

One morning I wake up and went to make breakfast i made some

banana on toast once I was done I went to the living room and watched some

TV I was like where's mum and dad so i went to the other living room and there

they were sleeping in the living room in a costume there costume that they were

in was superman and superwoman it was so funny that I took a photo of them and put them on pobble 365 and now they have gotten famous that they are a

billion air now  but they cant go shopping because they are retiring so they have

been giving me all the money and I don't know what to do with it all so what I

did with it is I buyed a house with 7 bedrooms 5 living rooms 3 bathrooms

2 kitchens a movie theatre a library a gym and a big pool. I didn't need all

of that but why not. When I bought the mansion I became famous. I couldn't

believe it because of my videos on you tube I got 1.5 million views.  My granddad

and my grandma use to be allowed to fly but they cant but i can for them to wake

up they have to have a red bull and when they have that they turn into superman

and superwoman but they still can’t fly so they have to sing one of  there songs that

they like the most and then the unicorn comes and helps them to fly around. 

It's so Cool i can’t wait to see them again.

Bye bye 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

school camp movie

hey bloggers  

we have been to camp and we had to make a imovie but in-steed of imovie we had to use wevideo to create are movie so i did my movie.i learnt about what you can do on it i find posting it was the most difficult.i think it was a good idea to present my  ideas because then everyone can see what we did at camp i think i could do better by making it more funny

Friday, November 5, 2021

camp recount

 hey guys 

last week we went on camp to living springs it was so much fun if you want to here more about are camp read my recount please hope you like it bye bye.

School camp

After days and days I've been waiting for camp and today it's the day for camp i bring my bags in ready to go. I couldn't wait. I was so happy that I made my bed at 6:00 o'clock in the morning and got dressed. My mum was like it was too to early go back to sleep. I had my breakfast and I was the first one ready in my house. We got ready for camp. My mum said her goodbyes we did the morning roll and we were on the bus going to camp when we were in the bus it felt like the bus was going to tip over we arrived at the place to have morning tea after morning tea we went on a big walk that made me want to die my friend stepped in sheep poo and left it to dry and tried to peel it off. When we got to the top we finally arrived at living springs. It was so cool we had to go and set up bunk rooms. And after we did bunk rooms we did some orienteering which was very fun. If you do not know what orienteering is when you have to go around and find all the signs and write it down.also had some afternoon tea that was so yum. The second day of camp! I woke up and got ready for the day, had a shower had breakfast, then brushed my teeth and went to the hall and waited for everyone. We did the roll to make sure that everyone was here. Everyone was there so we started with going on a walk down to the dons shed. When we were at dons shed we got to go down and do team building. That was so much fun after that we went to low ropes. Low ropes were so so fun I nearly fell off, it was so fun. After that we had to have lunch for lunch we had nachos it was so so good after we had lunch we went to the bouldering wallet the bouldering wall I won 500 camp dollars I was so happy but then when we got to are bunk rooms we did an auction and I got rid of 850 camp dollars from buying something I was so sad then I got rid of 1,000 camp dollars and that was what we did at camp.bye bye


Friday, October 22, 2021

Alice and the wonderland

 hi bloggers

WALT: use our senses to write a description 

here is the photo that we had to write about 

  and here is my writing

Alice and the wonderland 

The floor gave way as I was walking down the road and suddenly I fell deep deep down a hole.It wasn’t just a hole, it had old dusty books around it that looked like the books were ancient.tiny pieces of wood pierced my fingers my screams were echoing as I was falling. Then a beam of light shined bright in my eyes. I was yelling, Help me! As loud as I could but no one could hear me I was frightened. I looked around and as I was looking around I could hear whooshing wind and I could smell the damp air and wind hitting me as I reached the bottom of the hole. I stood up and walked around then I saw a ginormous spider. I screamed but then rocks came caving down on me I knew that was very bad, so I ran and ran as fast as I could.once I was away from the rocks I cloud smell something musty and dusty and I could feel the spider coming to me but then stale air came and entered my mouth.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


 hey bloggers

Next week we are going on school camp so we have been doing staff for camp so hope you like bye bye. 

create task 1 and 2

and here is my bunk label

create task 3

Friday, October 1, 2021

 hey guys 

WALT:use personal experience and literacy knowledge to make meaning from texts 

i cant post my 1st create task sorry.

2nd create task 

this is my name in Chinese 

3rd create task

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Rata and the totara tree

 WALT: analyse and evaluate the actions and story lines of Maori myths and legends

 kia Ora bloggers

this week  was reading the book Rata and the toara tree. the WALT was analysing and evaluating the actions and story lines of Maori myths and legends.

 it was about a village that constantly keeped  on getting drench with water and there crops keep o getting ruined two so they where getting sacred and going hungry and not safe so Rata decided to make a wake so that he cound get his people some where safe but he for got to pray be for cuting  down the tree so  the tree was all ways standing then he saw the birds fixing it and they where going two punish him but he told them his story and they made a wake some from now on he will all ways pray. Create task one was a story map. create task two was completing a evaluation. create task three was glossary plan then Maori dictionary

1st create task


Rata, tana mahuta 


village, forest


Rata cut a tree down with out doing the blessing


Rata apologised for cutting down a tree without a blessing


annoying, mad

2nd create task


Friday, September 17, 2021

how Maui discovers fire

 WALT:analyse and evaluate the actions and story lines of Maori myths and legends.

Kia ora

for reading we are learning about Maori language week so are books are about myths and legends. my book is about how Maui discovers fire. do you know that book.

1st create task


Maui, Taranga, Mahuika


forest, cave, village


Maui took out all the fire in the village and then got chased by a fire lady OMG!


Maui two sticks and garbed two sticks and rub them together to make fire.


mad, curious 

2nd create task

Thursday, September 16, 2021


hey guys

we have been doing same poetry. we had to do 10 poems on are slide show so hope you like it.

Friday, August 6, 2021


hi bloggers

WALT: locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts.

this week we have been looking at the Olympics and for are fist create task we had to chose someone from the Olympics and had to write were they are from and some interesting facts about who you chose.I chose Sophie Pascoe  and are second create task was to write down why you chose the person and are 3rd create task we had to chose one of the images from the article above. then we had to till you guys what country it was from. then we had to do a plan and write a persuasive argument to that country on what they should do with their leftover Olympic arena/Olympic village.

1st create task

   2nd create task

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

what is it?

hey guys 

this week we have been doing plays and my play that i am doing is called what is it?and i am playing a lion and we had to make a poster of what we are playing and what the play is about and we had to make a costume so my costume is going to be a lion so hope you like it.


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Exploring Italy

 hey guys

this week we have been learning about Italy and all of the fun things to do or eat in Italy. if you were to go to Italy what would you do there?

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Thomas Edison

 hey guys 

this week we have been learning about famous people i chose Thomas Edison  because  i wanted to know more about him.he was the fist person to make light. Do you know anything about Thomas Edison?

create task 1

  create task 2

part 2 on create task 2

create task 3

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


hey guys

for the last couple of weeks we have been learning about natural distastes and i piked volcanoes. do you  know anything about volcanoes? 

Monday, July 5, 2021

private or personal information

hey guys 

today we have been learning about private and personal information.knowing the difference between the two will help you keep yourself safe on line.

i found this activity good to go over the different things that you can share.I give this a 5 star rating. do you know what private and personal information?

hope you like it.


Thursday, July 1, 2021

my reading task

hey guys 

this week we have been leaning about famous people and my book is about Walt Disney Walt Disney created Disney land so i hope you like bye.

create task 1

create task 2

Thursday, June 24, 2021


Kia Ora 

WALT:summarise and analyse ideas and information from different texts.

As you may know we are celebrating Matariki for about a month! Matariki means it is the Maori new year! This is a really cool and good time to spend time with you family and learn a lot of cool things about Matariki! This week Ruru is learning and reading about Matariki. We had to watch 2 videos and read 2 story's about Matariki. The videos were really cool because they had a lot of information about Matariki that I didn't know before! They talked about the seven stars and facts about Matariki. The 2 story's talked talked about Matariki, where they can be seen, when you can see them, and other cool facts! They also talked about how some people have feasts and get up before dawn! This week we had to choose 2 create tasks to do out of 4! I loved the create tasks this week because they are all really fun to do. I hope you all like my working that I did this week! I would love it if you could comment and give me some feedback as well. How and what do you do to celebrate Matariki? 

Create task 1. (Must do) For this create task we had to watch 2 videos about Matariki and read 2 story/information about Matariki. Then we had to get a Matariki Summary template and write all the things we learnt in the boxes. For video 1 it had it own box and for the other video and story's/information. I liked doing this create task because you had to make sure you were paying attention to the videos and story's/information.  

June: month of matariki

Maori new year: matariki

Past: what's behind you

Pipiri: first lunar month of the maori new year

Maramataka: maori new year calendar

Wairua: spirit of a person which exists beyond death

Matariki: an open cluster of many stars in te kahui o matariki

Whanau: to be born

Whenua: often used in the  plural

Harvest: framing

Family: best friends

Land: earth

Reflecting: reflecting back to something

Celebration: having a family reunion

Future: what's in front of you 

Present: what's happening now

Storehouse: what's stored in side the storehouse

Spirit: somebody watching 

Calendar: keeping track of the day

Lunar: new moon

Waiti: sweet

Constellation: stars

Korero: talking

Stars: sparkling

Thursday, June 17, 2021

wonky donkey

 hey guys

WALT:Make connections between ourselves,other text to the world

this week we had a book week and we had to chose a book and the book i am doing is the wonky donkey the wonky donkey is about a donkey that has one leg one eye and likes old school songs.the WALT is about using and making connections to the world.

my first create task is about making connections to me from my book and making connections to the world.

my second create task is venn diagram.

now my last create task is a canva if you do not know what canva is it is a app and you make posters.

Friday, May 28, 2021

cyclone tokotoru

Hey guys

WALT:use prior knowledge when making text-to-text connections.

This week we have been doing the same as last week's create task and this time my book is about a cyclone tokotoru it's not a real cyclone its were the kids make a big mess and there grandmother called it a cyclone.

i have made a poster but it will not up lode to my blog.

Thursday, May 27, 2021


Tuesday, May 25, 2021


WALT:solve addition and subtraction word problems.

Friday, May 21, 2021


 Hey guys 

WALT:use prior knowledge when making text-to-text connections. 

This week the first create task is the same but the second one is not the same for the second one you have to do a poster of the disaster of your book my book is about a flood so hope you like it bye.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

wild things

 hey guys

WALT:evaluate ideas and information in a narrative text.  

we have done the same thing as last weeks create task but with a different new book that I'm rearing about a possum and this time i have done all 3 create task so hope you like it bye.


Thursday, May 6, 2021

 Hey guys 

this week we have been learning about narrative writing so the teacher got reading create tacks like narrative writing so im going to show you my one hope you like bye.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Bio poem

 Hey guys 

this year we did some bio poems so when there is visitors they well know more about as and i am going to show you my one i hope you like it. oh and bye the way i do care about more things just did not want to write more things.


 HI guys 

WALT: use numicon to add 1 and 2 steep problems.

This week we have been using numicons for maths and the teachers have mad two cafes for the class the cafe is called numicon cafe and we had to make a menu here is my menu hope you like it.

Thursday, April 15, 2021


 Hey guys

This week for reading we have been leaning about ANZAC day it has been so fun leaning about ANZAC day because I have learnt more things that I did not know. ANZAC day is so fun to learn about you should learn about ANZAC day.


Monday, April 12, 2021

panda kahoot and Venn diagram

 Hey everyone

WALT:summarise information by identifying the keywords in a text.

This week in Ruru we are learning about animals the animal that i am learning about is pandas.
There are lots of different books about animals.I like learning about animals because you get to learn more about things that you don't know.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Thursday, March 11, 2021

my buggy

hey everyone

in week 4 we had to make our own planet but now we had to make a buggy for our planet.

Friday, February 26, 2021

all about me


Hey everyone

in the last week i have been learning about space its fun my post is about space.

Friday, February 19, 2021

What makes a good friend!

Hey everyone!

I hope you have had a good start to 2021! This week we had to choose a book to read! I chose friends. This week our create tasks were mainly about friendship and how to be a good friend! The first create task we had to do was to make a character template! I did Lucia because she is kind. Next we had to do a poster or an animation on how to be a good friend! I did a poster because I think it's fun to do!! I liked doing this and I hope we do something fun next week to! 

WALT: Show an understanding of what we read by making connections to the text.

Sunday, February 14, 2021